Learn More About Search Engine Optimization and Online Mission Work
Learn More About Search Engine Optimization and Online Mission Work
Using the process of Search Engine Optimization, we can create more targeted approaches to online evangelism and introduce more people to Bible truth. Here you can find information about tools and resources we recommend for this kind of ministry.
Lsn 3: SEO 101—Google Analytics Tutorials
2-in-1 Tutorial to Understand the Possibilities and Best Practices
After the successful installation of Google Analytics and Search Console in Lesson 2, this lesson will get you acquainted with the terminology and functions necessary to get you familiar with these platforms. This walkthrough includes instructions and screenshots for the reports that will be most immediately helpful for your ministry website.
SEO 101 Series: LESSON 2 – Start with These 3, Free Tools
Making SEO Easier—Start your SEO journey right, with the best tools in your toolkit.
As discussed in the introduction to this lesson, we’ll be walking through the setup for 3 free, highly-important tools that will guide your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.
SEO Series: Lesson 2 INTRO—Measure, Analyze, ENGAGE!
1st step to boosting engagement: Find out what your readers are reading & how they navigate your website. As we get further into the nitty-gritty of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it’s important to lay the groundwork that will support your efforts as…
SEO Series:1-2—[Checklist] What’s involved in SEO?
What do we actually DO to optimize our web presence? Since optimizing websites for search engines primarily means optimizing websites for people, many of the principles of SEO follow fundamental advertising, marketing, and sociological principles. That…
Introducing our SEO 101 Series—Helping More Seekers Find YOUR Ministry
Your ministry has a target audience—the people you are equipped to serve, ready to answer their questions and guide them along their journey. With so many interactions taking place online, you want to make sure you’re part of these conversations, too. But if you’re nearly invisible online, how can you reach them? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can help you do just that.
Don’t Let Your “Findability” Slip Away—Google’s Latest Announcement
Google has announced that starting in July, they’ll be using page-load speed as a ranking factor in mobile searches. What does this mean for you and your ministry’s website? If your site loads slowly on mobile—or on desktop—your rankings in Google search…
Optimize your organization’s Yelp page
Not just for businesses—Yelp is also beneficial for churches & other nonprofits! If your organization (or constituent organizations) is on Yelp, there is great potential. It may be daunting at first to open up your organization to public opinion, but it’s a strong…